Source code for

#@Author: Kyle Mede, or
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import KMlogger

log = KMlogger.getLogger('',lvl=100,addFH=False)

[docs]def load_di_data(filename): """ Load the astrometry data into a numpy array. file format: title column headers data . . . Data must be in the columns: obsDate[JD] x["] x_error["] y["] y_error["] OR if pasa key in settingsAdvanced ==True, then: obsDate[JD] PA[deg] PA_error[deg] SA["] SA_error["] """ epochs_di = [] rapa = [] rapa_err = [] decsa = [] decsa_err = [] try: if filename[-4:]!='.dat': filename = filename+'.dat' fl = open(filename, 'r') lines = fl.readlines() fl.close() for line in lines: #print "line was:'"+line+"'" #log.debug("line was:'"+line+"'")#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ if len(line.split())>2: if line.split()[0].replace('.','',1).isdigit() and line.split()[3].replace('.','',1).replace('-','',1).isdigit(): epochs_di.append(float(line.split()[0])) rapa.append(float(line.split()[1])) rapa_err.append(float(line.split()[2])) decsa.append(float(line.split()[3])) decsa_err.append(float(line.split()[4])) #print repr([float(line.split()[0]),float(line.split()[1]),float(line.split()[2]),float(line.split()[3]),float(line.split()[4])]) epochs_di = np.array(epochs_di,dtype=np.dtype('d')) rapa = np.array(rapa,dtype=np.dtype('d')) rapa_err = np.array(rapa_err,dtype=np.dtype('d')) decsa = np.array(decsa,dtype=np.dtype('d')) decsa_err = np.array(decsa_err,dtype=np.dtype('d')) except: log.critical("a problem occured while trying to load DI data. \nPlease check it is formatted correctly.") return (epochs_di, rapa, rapa_err, decsa, decsa_err)
[docs]def load_rv_data(filename): """ Load the radial velocity data into a numpy array. Provided jitter values will be added in quadrature with the errors. file format: title column headers data . . Empty line between data sets data . . Data must be in the columns: obsDate[JD] RV[m/s] RV_error[m/s] jitter[m/s] datasetNumber[int] NOTE: datasetNumber is optional, if not provided they will be automatically set to 0,1,2... following the order of the data in the file. If jitter is not provided, it will be assumed zero. """ epochs_rv = [] rv = [] rv_err = [] rv_inst_num = [] try: if filename[-4:]!='.dat': filename = filename+'.dat' fl = open(filename, 'r') lines = fl.readlines() fl.close() datasetNumLast = 0 jitterLast = 0 lastWasDataLine=False thisIsDataLine = False for line in lines: #print "line = "+line #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ lastWasDataLine=thisIsDataLine thisIsDataLine=False if len(line.split())>2: if line.split()[0].replace('.','',1).isdigit() and line.split()[1].replace('.','',1).replace('-','',1).isdigit(): thisIsDataLine=True epochs_rv.append(float(line.split()[0])) rv.append(float(line.split()[1])) #if jitter was provided on first line of data set if len(line.split())>3: try: jitterLast = float(line.split()[3]) except: log.error("could not convert 4th element of split into jitter. 4th element was: "+str(line.split()[3])) rv_err.append(np.sqrt(float(line.split()[2])**2+jitterLast**2)) #if datasetNum was provided on first line of data set if len(line.split())>4: try: datasetNumLast = float(line.split()[4]) except: log.error("could not convert 5th element of split into datasetNum. 5th element was: "+str(line.split()[4])) rv_inst_num.append(datasetNumLast) if lastWasDataLine and (thisIsDataLine==False): jitterLast = 0 datasetNumLast+=1 #print 'incrementing datasetNum' #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ epochs_rv = np.array(epochs_rv,dtype=np.dtype('d')) rv = np.array(rv,dtype=np.dtype('d')) rv_err = np.array(rv_err,dtype=np.dtype('d')) rv_inst_num = np.array(rv_inst_num,dtype=np.dtype('i')) except: log.critical("a problem occured while trying to load RV data. \nPlease check it is formatted correctly.") return (epochs_rv, rv, rv_err, rv_inst_num)
[docs]def load_settings_dict(settings_filename): """ A way to load in settings from a settings an ExoSOFT type settings file. Users can choose to copy and modify the one provided in the 'examples' directory to match the system they are working on, or write their own function like this to load in the required parameters/arrays... that comprise all the inputs for ExoSOFTpriors, ExoSOFTdata and ExoSOFTparams. NOTE: THE DICTIONARY KEY WORDS USED HERE DO NOT WORK FOR OLD EXOSOFT SETTINGS FILES. NEED TO CHANGE ALL OF THEM TO THIS FORMAT EVENTUALLY!!!! """ # First see if try to remove any old settings files. try: os.remove('./ExoSOFTmodel/temp/') except: pass cwd = os.getenv('PWD') tmp_dir = '.' #tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(settings_filename)) tmp_settings_filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir,'') tmp_init = os.path.join(tmp_dir,"") kill_init = False if os.path.exists(tmp_init)==False: kill_init = True f = open(tmp_init,'w') f.close() # Copy settings file to temp dir shutil.copy(settings_filename,tmp_settings_filename) # cd into temp dir, import settings then cd back to pwd if tmp_dir!='.': os.chdir(tmp_dir) from __settings import settings as sd if kill_init: os.remove(tmp_init) os.remove(tmp_settings_filename) if tmp_dir!='.': os.chdir(cwd) ## load up modified versions of dictionary elements needed by ExoSOFTpriors, ExoSOFTdata and ExoSOFTparams. #[m1, m2, parallax, long_an, e, to/tc, p, inc, arg_peri] range_mins = [sd['m1_min'], sd['m2_min'], sd['para_min'], sd['long_an_min'], sd['ecc_min'], sd['t_min'], sd['p_min'], sd['inc_min'], sd['arg_peri_min']] for i in range(len(sd['offset_mins'])): range_mins.append(sd['offset_mins'][i]) range_maxs = [sd['m1_max'], sd['m2_max'], sd['para_max'], sd['long_an_max'], sd['ecc_max'], sd['t_max'], sd['p_max'], sd['inc_max'], sd['arg_peri_max']] for i in range(len(sd['offset_maxs'])): range_maxs.append(sd['offset_maxs'][i]) sd['range_maxs'] = range_maxs sd['range_mins'] = range_mins sd['num_offsets'] = len(sd['offset_mins']) return sd
[docs]def make_starting_params(pars,n,scale=0.01): """ Creates an array of starting guesses tightly centered on the input parameters. """ # pars: [m1,m2,parallax,long_an, e/sqrte_sinomega,to/tc,p,inc,arg_peri/sqrte_cosomega,v1,v2...] starting_params = [] for i in range(n): p = [] for j in range(len(pars)): s = scale if pars[j]>1e4: # make scale smaller for To/Tc s = scale*0.001 p.append( np.random.normal(pars[j],s*pars[j]) ) starting_params.append(p) starting_params = np.array(starting_params,dtype=np.dtype('d')) return starting_params