Priors for ExoSOFTmodel


class ExoSOFTmodel.priors.ExoSOFTpriors(ecc_prior=True, p_prior=True, inc_prior=True, m1_prior=True, m2_prior=True, para_prior=True, inc_min=0.0, inc_max=180.0, p_min=0.0, p_max=300.0, para_est=0, para_err=0, m1_est=0, m1_err=0, m2_est=0, m2_err=0)[source]

Bases: object

Choices: inclination: (None,True,’sin’,’cos’) True indicates default of ‘sin’ eccentricity: (None,True) True indicates default of ‘2e’ period: (None,True) True indicates default of ‘log’ mass of primary: (None,True,’IMF’,’PDMF’) True indicates default of ‘PDMF’ mass of companion: (None,True, ‘IMF’,’PDMF’,’CMF’) True indicates default of ‘CMF’ parallax: (None,True) True indicates default of ‘gauss’

cmf_prior(m2, m1)[source]

from equation 8 of Metchev & Hillenbrand 2009

gaussian(x, mu, sig)[source]

From table 1 of Chabrier et al. 2003

m2_prior_fn(m2, m1)[source]

From table 1 of Chabrier et al. 2003


Combined priors for a single step in the chain. This can be called to form the priors ratio OR when accounting for the priors when producing the posteriors during post-processing.

Input array needs the first elements to be: [m1, m2, parallax, long_an, e, to, tc, p, inc, arg_peri] This can be the full ‘model_in_pars’, ‘stored_pars’ or a truncated version with just these parameters.

priors_ratio(pars_prop, pars_last)[source]

Calculates the priors ratio.

Input arrays need the first elements to be: [m1, m2, parallax, long_an, e, to, tc, p, inc, arg_peri] This can be the full ‘model_in_pars’ or a truncated version with just these parameters.

test_priors(pars_prop, pars_last)[source]

Just for testing no errors occur while trying to caculate the priors ratio. Nothing returned.